Commercial Real Estate
Unlike other investment and advisory firms that invest across all major investment sectors, our platform was founded as a pure-play multifamily investor and continues to primarily specialize within the apartment sector; furthermore, ACA focuses on deploying capital solely in targeted submarkets in and between the vigorous economies of Austin and San Antonio. This “I-35 Corridor” investment strategy allows for a high degree of specialized diversification within a robust local and state economy and in extremely vibrant markets that have produced significant risk-adjusted returns for our investors. Since inception, alongside our investors, we have assembled a $200 million portfolio of commercial properties in targeted Austin and San Antonio submarkets, which we oversee via our vertically integrated investment management platform.
ACA and ACRE provides a full spectrum of real estate investment and management services including due-diligence, acquisitions, dispositions, finance, asset and portfolio management, as well as construction management expertise. Our foundation is built on the deep experience and tenure of its principals and senior managers. Our companies are committed to a culture of significant co-investment and strictly adhere to a conservative process of investment analysis. ACA has produced compelling returns for its investors and itself, and strives to continue to achieve attractive investment results, including during challenging real estate cycles that require complex problem solving, creativity, vision, flexibility, persistence and discipline. We pride ourselves on upholding a culture that is engaged in aggressive entrepreneurial origination with institutional execution.